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Lisa Brook

Good Counsel Group

Lisa Brook is a lawyer who has dedicated nearly thirty years in the law to civil dispute resolution with empathy and understanding. The vision for Good Counsel Group grew out of a desire to create opportunities for people and businesses to work through conflict together.

Meaningful connection with clients, co-workers, judges, clerks, and attorneys on both sides of the aisle has defined Lisa's career. She held the hand of a mesothelioma victim struggling to breathe as she explained how his family would be taken care of after his death. She witnessed the stories of people in debt and tenants who could not make the rent as they explored ways to move forward after legal proceedings. She discovered kinship with jurors performing their civic duty to balance the scales of justice in trial.

Lisa has received a Certificate In Mediating Disputes from the Harvard Law School Executive Education Program on Negotiation. She has training in mediation and dispute resolution through the Supreme Court of Virginia certification program. She is a member of the Virginia Mediation Network

As a leader in the bar and In the community, Lisa's goal Is to bring connection, collaboration and respect to every level of dispute resolution. In the words of Helen Keller,  "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."